Origin: China

Botanical name: Eucalyptus globulus

Extraction method:  Steam distillation

Eucalyptus globulus commonly known as Blue Gum Eucalyptus, has the familiar camphorous scent of Eucalyptus is medicinal and clearing to the mind.


It is recorded that Eucalyptus was first introduced into China in 1890 and is said to originally for ornamental trees. Now, approximately 4.6 million hectares of abandoned farming land and barren scrubland are devoted to fast-growing Eucalyptus.

Eucalyptus Blue Gum is a tall tree with smooth bark, which can grow to over 100 feet, with long silver-green, sickle shaped leaves which often grow up to nine inches in length. Commonly known as "Tasmanian Blue Gum", Eucalyptus essential oil was first distilled in Australia. International interest in Eucalyptus trees developed as they are fast growing and uses up large amounts of water - being perfect for abandoned farms or unusable swamp land.

Where is Eucalyptus Blue Gum Essential Oil from?

Our Eucalyptus essential oil is farmed in China predominantly by family farmers. 90% of Eucalyptus essential oil being produced in the one Province which is a vital part of the region's community & region development.

How is Eucalyptus made?

Eucalyptus leaves and branches are harvested from the wild field from November to May. It is then steam distilled to produce Eucalyptus essential oil.

What are the benefits of Eucalyptus Essential Oil?

Well-known for its healing effects on the respiratory system, Eucalyptus is an antiseptic, expectorant and may help reduce fever. It is classically used for colds, influenza, throat infections and bronchitis.


A powerful disinfectant, Eucalyptus may be used in a diffuser to purify the air and prevent the spread of airborne pathogens as well as in DIY cleaning recipes for your home.

How to use Eucalyptus Essential Oil

• Diffuser:Add 6-8 drops of your Eucalyptus essential oil to a diffuser.


• Quick fix: A few deep inhalations from the bottle can help when you are at work, in the car or anytime you need a quick break.


• Shower:Add 2-3 drops to the corner of the shower and enjoy the benefits of steam inhalation.


• Bath:Add 2-3 drops in a dispersant such as oil, to the bath to create a relaxing atmosphere while nourishing your skin.


• Topically:Mix 1 drop of chosen essential oil with 5ml carrier oil and apply to wrists, chest or back of the neck.


• Compress: Add 2 drops of essential oil to a bowl of water. For treating inflammation or to cool down use cold to room temperature water. For aching tight muscles use warm to hot water. Agitate a face washer in the water, wring out excess moisture and apply washer to the affected area. Repeat two or three times as the compress cools down or warms up.


• Steam Treatment: For face & respiratory, add 2 drops of essential oil to a bowl of steaming hot water. Place your face close to the bowl and cover the back of your head and bowl with a towel to trap the aromatic vapours. Caution due to risk of burns or scalding and keep eyes covered during treatment.

"I love to use this on its own to give a fresh clean smell to the house. It’s great to use when you are congested and smells beautiful when blended with the lemon essential oil."

Sofie. Australia

Eucalyptus Blends Well With

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Author: Georgia Doherty
Marketing Assistant

Georgia is the Marketing Assistant at ECO. Modern Essentials. Georgia oversees the company's social media platforms, helps coordinate brand collaborations, is a leader for ECO.'s content creation + DIY recipes and manages ECO.'s affiliate program. She is a qualified Beauty Therapist with extensive Dermal Therapy qualifications, a Diploma in Training Design & Development with a Aromatherapy Practitioner Certificate. Georgia is passionate about leading a happy & healthy life and helping educate those around her.


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