You could say after 12 years of ECO. Modern Essentials Claire's favourites would have changed drastically. But after sitting down with our CEO & Founder we learnt quickly that she has some familiar favourites, even 12 years later.


It was no surprise when asked out of context what her "5 must-haves" are she jumped to "Mumm Champagne" to then questioning whether we were talking about in general life or ECO. essential oils - so we went with both, but mainly what she can't live without when it comes to ECO. goodies.


After our 11 year birthday last year we have had an incredible amount of research and development undergone to introduce over 12 new essential oil blends alone, not to mention new skincare, a raw ingredients range and extensive eco-friendly accessories, in just one year. With all this in mind and the possibilities of her favourite ECO. products to change nearly monthly, Claire still reaches for her all-time favourite Australian Shores Blend. It was a blend already noted on her list of favourites before her telling us it was her favourite. It's the blend you will always smell when you walk into Claire's beautiful apartment and find a few spares of in her top drawer in the kitchen, bathroom and bedroom (along with the Mumm Champagne).


Claire shared some of her other must-have's from ECO. and also in her everyday rituals.

Bliss Diffuser

The Bliss Diffuser is one that fits in elegantly to Claire's coastal lifestyle. It's the perfect balance between a modern yet natural, organic look. It helps her create the perfect atmosphere while complimenting her style throughout her home.

Jojoba Carrier Oil

Every morning, Claire takes her beautiful Cavoodle boys Teddie & Bear to the beach. It's a must (for both Claire & the boys) to start her day fresh & with a clear mind. This brings us to her other morning must-have, Jojoba Carrier Oil. Claire starts her morning skincare routine with a light application of Jojoba oil, she finds this instantly hydrates and gives a glowing radiance before applying other products. If she's feeling her skin on her body is dry, especially through Winter, her tip is to add a layer onto the skin before jumping in the shower - it helps to protect the skin from the heat plus the steam from the shower will help penetrate the oil deeply into the skin.

Pre-Cleanse Oil

To finish the day, Claire removes any impurities from the skin with her treasured Pre-Cleanse Oil. This product came to life when sharing the love of cleansing with an oil to a skin-obsessed team member and together they insisted to bring their own Pre-Cleanse Oil to life. This emulsifying oil combines essential oils that are not only invigorating to the senses but that are beneficial to the skin as well as lots of different carrier oils full of antioxidants and vitamins to feed the skin while cleansing - magic!


Exclusive to the current Glow Ritual Box, you will need to subscribe to get your hands on this one!

Broadbeach Essential Oil Blend

The story behind the Broadbeach Blend can be, in short, this will always be a favourite of hers as it was blended with love with one of her nearest & dearest friends. Everything needed to be special for Broadbeach Blend from the label design to the name. Claire lives and spends majority of her time in the beautiful Broadbeach suburb on the Gold Coast and insists she will never leave, even when her one and only daughter, Chelsea, relocated to Melbourne. We sent Broadbeach Blend with Chels so she was never too far away from home.

See more of Claire's favourite's and enjoy 20% off her collection for a limited time only!

Author: Georgia Doherty
Marketing Assistant

Georgia is the Marketing Assistant at ECO. Modern Essentials. Georgia oversees the company's social media platforms, helps coordinate brand collaborations, is a leader for ECO.'s content creation + DIY recipes and manages ECO.'s affiliate program. She is a qualified Beauty Therapist with extensive Dermal Therapy qualifications, a Diploma in Training Design & Development with a Aromatherapy Practitioner Certificate. Georgia is passionate about leading a happy & healthy life and helping educate those around her.


Learn more here.

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